INFO 3C __________________________ COOL & CULT & CUTE. DAQUI, DE LÁ OU DE QUALQUER LUGAR


março 28, 2013

União Europeia bane a venda de cosméticos testados em animais!

EU bans the sale of cosmetics tested on animals!

white rabbits After many years of campaigning, the EU has finally banned the sale of all new cosmetics that have been tested on animals. Animal testing of finished cosmetic products was eliminated across the EU in 2004, and in 2009 this was extended to include cosmetics ingredients. On March 11th 2013, the complete marketing ban came into effect and now any company that wishes to sell new cosmetics within the EU must not test them on animals anywhere in the world. However, please still support ethical, vegan companies that sell cosmetics containing no animal ingredients.
This is a tremendous achievement – thank you to everyone who has campaigned on this issue!