Aries (March 21–April 19)

The solar eclipse occurs in your sector of assets — this means that
you're sure to see changes in money flow this week. Things that have
been in progress may finally start to show results. Keep your eye on the
prize and never falter; your efforts will pay off soon (even though
that prospect may seem miles away).
Taurus (April 20–May 20)

The solar eclipse occurs in your sign, so be prepared for major
surprises — perhaps regarding a man in your life. You may receive news
that contradicts your current beliefs about an important situation. It’s
likely that this news will be favorable to you; be optimistic.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Something that’s been going on for some time will finally draw to a
close this week. Past karmic accumulation could release during the
eclipse — if you can shed the thick skin you’ve built up over the years,
you'll begin spring baby soft and renewed. This is a favorable time for
your career. If you are thinking about making a vocational change or a
serious move in your work, it may happen this week.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)

You are in touch with your emotions and spirituality, and you may
want to retreat from the tumult that certain friends (or groups of
friends) bring to your life. Reevaluate what it means to belong to a group. You are better off alone than with the wrong people who don’t really add joy to your life.
Leo (July 23–August 22)

This week you will receive news you’ve been waiting for regarding
your career. It may come unexpectedly. It’s most likely regarding a male
superior, or else it's a message that will be delivered to you by a
male associate. You may be able to receive more money now.
Virgo (August 23–September 22)

You'll find pleasure in any hobby or activity that engages your
imaginative and childlike self. You may want to journal, paint, or
write: This week, you're able to let your divine muse manifest in
whatever you create. You may surprise yourself and discover new tasks or
talents that will enrich your life and make you happier.
Libra (September 23–October 22)

If there is a relationship that needs to come to an end or has been
strained lately, don’t let it worry you to the point of sickness. You
will only be able to overcome this feeling with a clear head and strong
body. Take the time you need to rest and think about what will make you
happy. Don’t settle for anything less.
Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

It’s time for fun and celebration. Relationships and partnerships of
all kinds flourish under this influence. Expect and embrace good
tidings. Any changes will be mutually beneficial, which is the key to a
loving relationship.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Speak to your family and let them know how much you care for them (by
family, I mean your support system). It’s a wonderful time to share
intimate, emotionally charged (but also pleasant and constructive)
conversations with people you love. In addition, address any health
issues that you have been putting off lately, especially those involving
the throat. Take special care of your health and well-being this week.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Siblings are of great help to you now (if you have any). Ask them for
help or guidance involving an issue or problem. Time spent together is
sure to yield great results. Also, expect to have lots of fun while
socializing, and to get a surprise (or two) at a party.
Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

There may be troubles with close family members—or necessary
conversations required to promote emotional healing. Although this may
not be the week that concerns are addressed and solved, identifying
what’s wrong is the first step toward resolution.
Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Take a vacation, if possible — perhaps to someplace you’ve already
been. You may notice something different and have a refreshing
perspective on a beloved getaway spot. If romance or friendship has
seemed like a chore lately, it’s possible that you would get a
refreshing reward from time spent exploring alone. Moments by yourself
will be peaceful.